Thursday - Pizza sales, NET Ministries retreat for 6/7/8 grades 8:30-2:45 at the school (Free dress for students)
Friday - 2pm dismissal
SchoolAdmin is open and ready for your student enrollment entries. You should have received an email on Friday to get you started. Thank you so much to the families who have already started and completed documents for the 2023-2024 enrollment.
Based on the recommendation of our school commission, after reviewing our budget for the year and looking at a chart comparing our teachers' salaries compared to local schools, we have increased our tuition five percent for the 2023-2024 school year. This will be an increase of $1.36/school day or $0.67/day for the entire calendar year for one child.
Please watch for a more complete email later today in regards to SchoolAdmin.
Pizza sales are on Thursdays for the month of April and May. This is an 8th grade fundraiser.
Please pre-order to ensure there is enough pizza for anyone who orders. You can purchase the $5 meal (large slice of pizza, applesauce, and a drink) or pizza by the slice for $3 each. If you would like to order the meal and add another slice of pizza please include $2 for each additional slice.
If you signed up to donate something for the NET ministries retreat on Thursday, please have your item(s) to the school on Wednesday, 4/19.
Upcoming Events:
5/5 - Maple Bars for Moms
5/18 - Spring Concert 6pm
5/18-5/20 Book Fair and Read-a-thon
5/22-5/24 - Camp Hamilton for grades 6/7/8
5/26 - NO SCHOOL
5/29 - No School Memorial day
5/31 - Donuts for Dads
6/8 - 8th grade graduation 6pm
6/9 - Last day of preschool
6/14 - Last day of school
"For the word of the Lord is right and true. He is faithful in all He does." Psalm 33:4